Taking a moment to appreciate the little things..
I feel as though time is going way too fast since having Rosie, and I rarely get a minute to stop and just appreciate how lucky I am to have such a lovely little family. I thought trying to do a post each week on a few things that have made me happy in the past week would be a great way to just appreciate the smaller things and will be lovely to look back on when I need to remind myself.
Rosie tried solids!
She has tried banana, apple, butternut squash, sweet potato and a few more. It's crazy seeing her own opinion on things now and having her own little ways of showing me she likes or doesn't like something. I can't wait to experiment more with her in the next few weeks.
Connors Grandad's knee operation was a success
Yay! GDad is driving again after his knee operation a couple of weeks ago. He does amazing for his age (75) and didn't enjoy being stuck in the house. He's a tough cookie and nothing would keep him in for long! Connor and I both say he's a real inspiration to us for when we get to his age.
Swimming lessons
Rosie goes to Water Babies on a Sunday afternoon and I'm amazed by how well she has taken to being in the water. She absolutely loves it! Every week she is dunked under by myself or the instructor and comes up fine with no tears! This week she got a badge for completing the chapter one and I think it was my first moment of having that proud mum feeling. She continues to amaze me every week and I can't wait for our second term in September.
Rosie has started trying to sit up by herself
Due to her hip problem (which I will go into in an update post next week) Rosie isn't allowed to go in any walkers or bouncers that make her feet push up off of the floor. We thought her hips might hold her back, but even in her bouncy chair now she has started to refuse to lie back and is pulling herself up at the sides. She's still a leaning tower of Pisa but she is getting there. I'm so proud of her!
Connor went back to work
Don't get me wrong this wasn't a highlight for me that he has left us for 4 weeks, however the fact that he is willing to be away from Rosie for a month in order for us to have a good life makes me realise how lucky we are to have him. I could never imagine leaving her so I really don't know how he does it.
One of my friends got married
Ah last Saturday was the best day! My lovely friend Natalie got married and it was the first time our group of eight had all been together at the same time in about two years. We all had the best day and evening and Nat looked beautiful. My favourite moment had to be when she had finished her first dance with her husband Ash, she had the Dj put Beyoncé on because she wanted her second dance to be with all the girls. I will remember that moment forever because every one of us sang our hearts out to each other. I love my friends!
So they are my favourite moments from the past week.. I hope you enjoyed this post and if it encourages anyone else to take a minute and reflect I would love that because writing this tonight honestly made me smile so much! Mainly remembering Penelope's emotion when singing to Beyoncé at the wedding haha.
Thanks for reading x

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