I recently met an old friend to celebrate something very close to her heart. It has been years since we have seen each other and not the ideal setting for a reunion. Nevertheless I am so glad I saw her. My friend inspired me in more ways than she will ever know.
Her strength, physically and emotionally over the past 5 weeks has astounded me, especially this week.
Her courage has taught me that no matter what the situation is, you can come out of it the other side if you force yourself to get out of bed every morning and carry on.
Her fight has taught me that no matter how hard you have already fought, how tired or hurt you may feel, that you should carry on fighting until the end.
Her positivity has shown me that through my hardest times in life I should always try to see the best in every situation, because if she can, I can.
Her maternal instinct has taught me to always, always trust my own.
Her smile on Thursday inspired me to be grateful for everyday, even the not so great ones.
I will now see my friend in a completely different light for the rest of my life. I am guilty of underestimating the qualities listed above in her, but I suppose it is in the most testing situations do these attributes really come to life.
Thanks for reading x

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